13th September 2018
Come 2050, the government will see to zero-emission in all vehicles. With such a push for the U.K to be at the forefront of EV technology, they are offering a number of tax incentives to businesses and grants towards your charge points. Find out more on their website.
With less moving parts and without transmission or timing belts to fail, the electric vehicles will prevail in their longevity and reliability. Long term, your business can see savings through less maintenance costs and innovative manufacturing.
Expense less to the business with the fleet by going EV. With the ever-increasing petrol and diesel costs, currently at around 13p p/m, running your cars on electricity will cost you around 2p per mile.
This is great news for businesses that opt for charge points in their car parks, we’ve definitely reaped the rewards from having our own at Compello head office. Perfect for the pool cars – leave them charging overnight to get the lowest electricity rate.
Those travelling in London can see a 100% discount on congestion charge and some boroughs are offering free or reduced-charge parking for EV’s.
By 2020 the cost of electric vehicles will be the same as petrol and diesel, meaning your fleet will benefit from the same technical specs without the environmental impact. As manufacturer’s continue to develop the technology you can expect electric vehicles to match traditional vehicles within years.
85% of journeys are fewer than 25 miles and compared to private car journeys, Ev’s could save you on average 28% in costs. You can save a lot on tax too. Get in touch and find out how Compello can revolutionise your Pool Car.
Opt for the Hybrid vehicles if you’re not convinced by the aspect of charging, with various options available, such as self-charging electric options, you could be going 400 miles without the need for a refuel. Talk to us and find out more about the Hybrid range Compello has available for you.